Integrated Patient Portal
Connecting you with your patients.Baritrax360 features an integrated Patient Portal that allows your patients to interact with your practice in several ways. The portal will be skinned to match the look and feel of your website so that patients feel like they’ve never left.
Seminar Registration
Our software features a full seminar schedule and management piece that allows you to easily manage and place your seminars on your website. Potential patients can register for a seminar and be automatically added into Baritrax360. New patients that register through the portal are automatically assigned to your initial workflow process so that your staff can begin working with them immediately.
In addition to physical seminars, our portal also allows you to embed a video seminar that patients can watch. The software will track how much they’ve watched and even allow them to leave and resume at the same point that they left off at.

Appointment Registration
Patients that are needing to schedule an appointment no longer need to call in to the practice to do so. Our software includes an advanced template system that allows you to mark specific day and time ranges for specific appointment types, A patient needing to schedule an Initial Consultation or a Follow-up visit can go to the portal and see available times to come in. They can be automatically added to the calendar and also added to a Dashboard where you can monitor incoming appointments.
Initial Patient Survey
When a new patient comes in for the first time you typically give them a large packet where they can fill out their Insurance Information, Medical History, Medications and other Medical Information. With Baritrax360 we’ve put that survey online. Patients are able to fill out all of this information through the Patient Portal before they ever come in for their first visit saving you time and keeping you on schedule. You no longer have to wait for them to get it all filled out since it was done ahead of time. Information from this survey can then flow forward into your clinical visits.
Track Weight Loss Progress
Each of your patients has the ability to track their weight loss journey through your portal. Patients will see a graph that aggregates both practice entered weights along with self reported weights together to see how they are doing. The patient has the ability to enter a new weight every day and then can even see their Ideal Weight Range based on a Normal BMI. Patient reported weights can be seen by the practice staff.
Workflow and Criteria
Patients are often left in the dark as to their progress towards weight loss surgery. With Baritrax360 they don’t have to be. A patient can log in at whenever they want and see where they currently sit in their workflow progress. They can see what’s been done and what still needs to be done. They can also view their Criteria status to see what still needs to be done there.
Schedule Integration
In addition to being able to sign up for seminars and appointments, patients that login to the portal will be able to see upcoming seminars and appointments that they are already registered for.